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匹配条件: “ Vecchio FM” ,找到相关结果约705条。
Chondroma of the hand with osteoid formation: first case report
Arena V, Pennacchia I, Vecchio FM, Carbone A
International Medical Case Reports Journal , 2011, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/IMCRJ.S20727
Abstract: ndroma of the hand with osteoid formation: first case report Case report (2468) Total Article Views Authors: Arena V, Pennacchia I, Vecchio FM, Carbone A Published Date July 2011 Volume 2011:4 Pages 47 - 48 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/IMCRJ.S20727 Vincenzo Arena, Ilaria Pennacchia, Fabio Maria Vecchio, Arnaldo Carbone Institute of Pathology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy Abstract: Chondroma is the most common neoplasia of the hand. Histologically, it consists of lobules of normal-appearing hyaline cartilage showing a lobular arrangement. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of chondroma of the hand in which, interestingly, osteoid production was observed.
Chondroma of the hand with osteoid formation: first case report
Arena V,Pennacchia I,Vecchio FM,Carbone A
International Medical Case Reports Journal , 2011,
Abstract: Vincenzo Arena, Ilaria Pennacchia, Fabio Maria Vecchio, Arnaldo CarboneInstitute of Pathology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, ItalyAbstract: Chondroma is the most common neoplasia of the hand. Histologically, it consists of lobules of normal-appearing hyaline cartilage showing a lobular arrangement. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of chondroma of the hand in which, interestingly, osteoid production was observed.Keywords: chondroma, hand, osteoid
Complete III Cranial Nerve Palsy in a Leather Worker: An Unusual Case Report  [PDF]
Adriano Magli, Elisabetta Chiariello Vecchio
Open Journal of Ophthalmology (OJOph) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ojoph.2014.43014

This case report describes features and surgical management in one patient that developed a worsening total III cranial nerve palsy in his right eye. Our 45 year-old male patient worked for about 25 years in leather tanning industry. He underwent medical history, routine blood test, eye exams that included visual acuity measurement, slit-lamp examination, dilated retinal biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus photography, tonometry, corneal pachymetry, Krimsky test, oculomotor examination and eye deviation surgery. On examination of the fellow eye wasn’t found any disease. Stroke, aneurysm and intracerebral causes of third nerve palsy were excluded, and medical history was negative for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, trauma, neurological disease unless two previous polyneuropathies episodes and one herpetic keratitis episode. Result of any neuroimaging studies were recorded (Our patients performed in hospital CT, MRI and MRI angiography and all the testes were normal). To our knowledge third cranial nerve palsy has never been observed in literature in leather workers. In conclusion, it is important for ophthalmologists to evaluate carefully work history and lifestyle persons and plan the surgical approach focusing the different characteristics of these patients.

El Yo menguante
Diego Vecchio
Cuadernos LIRICO : Revista de la Red Interuniversitaria de Estudios sobre las Literaturas Rioplatenses Contemporáneas en Francia , 2010,
Abstract: El Diario del sinvergüenza no es más que una nebulosa de cuartillas, fichas, tarjetas y hojas sueltas, que Felisberto Hernández escribió a mano o a máquina, hacia 1957 y que José Pedro Díaz transformó en texto póstumo incluyéndolas en las Obras Completas, dándoles aquello que les faltaba : un orden, una forma, aunque no una unidad. No se sabe muy bien dónde empieza ni dónde termina ; qué fragmentos incluye o excluye ; qué partes le pertenecen y cuáles pertenecen a otros textos, como Tierras d...
Macedonio Fernández o el primer mentiroso del Río de la Plata
Diego Vecchio
Cuadernos LIRICO : Revista de la Red Interuniversitaria de Estudios sobre las Literaturas Rioplatenses Contemporáneas en Francia , 2006,
Abstract: 1- Lingüística y cartografíaComo corresponde a un “filósofo” idealista, Macedonio Fernández también fue un lingüista. En 1928, en No toda es vigilia, en el capítulo intitulado “Definiciones de ideas y vocablos”, elabora una primera teoría del lenguaje :La palabra es un signo para comunicación. Esta es sólo, más que comunicación, suscitación de imagen por signo. Y el orden de lo así comunicable es puramente el de las imágenes, aunque haciendo nacer en otra mente las imágenes que tenemos ahora ...
El despliegue del vacío: Arturo Carrera, el barroco, los orígenes
Diego Vecchio
Cuadernos LIRICO : Revista de la Red Interuniversitaria de Estudios sobre las Literaturas Rioplatenses Contemporáneas en Francia , 2007,
Abstract: Barroco: W lfflinUn a o : 1888. Un nombre : Henrich W lfflin. Un título : Renacimiento y barroco. Este a o, este nombre y este título se alan la entrada triunfal de la noción de barroco en la historia del arte. Hasta entonces barroco había sido un término peyorativo, utilizado para designar la producción artística posterior al renacimiento, considerada como un arte de la contrarreforma o, lo que es lo mismo, de la decadencia. Henrich W lfflin define por primera vez de manera positiva el térmi...
LISA observations of rapidly spinning massive black hole binary systems
Alberto Vecchio
Physics , 2003, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.042001
Abstract: Binary systems of massive black holes will be detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) throughout the entire Universe. Observations of gravitational waves from this class of sources will have important repercussions on our understanding of the behaviour of gravity in the highly non-linear relativistic regime, the distribution and interaction of massive black holes at high redshift and the formation and evolution of cosmic structures. It is therefore important to address how accurately LISA can measure the source parameters and explore the implications for astronomy and cosmology. Present observations and theoretical models suggest that massive black holes could be spinning, possibly rapidly in some cases. In binary systems, the relativistic spin-orbit interaction causes the orbital plane to precess in space producing a characteristic signature on the emitted gravitational waves. In this paper we investigate the effect of spins on the gravitational wave signal registered at the LISA output and the implications for parameter estimation. We consider the in-spiral phase of binary systems in circular orbit undergoing the so-called "simple precession" and we approximate the gravitational radiation at the restricted 1.5PN order. We show that the presence of spins changes dramatically the signature of the signal recorded by LISA. As a consequence, the mean square errors associated to the parameter measurements are significantly smaller than the ones obtained when the effect of spins is neglected. For a binary system of two $10^6 \Ms$ black holes, the angular resolution and the relative error on the luminosity distance improve by a factor $\approx$ 3-to-10; the fractional errors on the chirp mass and the reduced mass decrease by a factor $\sim 10$ and $\sim 10^3$, respectively.
Deep Surveys of Massive Black Holes with LISA
Alberto Vecchio
Physics , 1999, DOI: 10.1063/1.1291863
Abstract: Massive black hole binary systems are among the most interesting sources for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA); gravitational radiation emitted during the last year of in-spiral could be detectable with a very large signal-to-noise ratio for sources at cosmological distance. Here we discuss the impact of LISA for astronomy and cosmology; we review our present understanding of the relevant issues, and highlight open problems that deserve further investigations.
Anti-tumor activity of tetrodotoxin extracted from the Masked Puffer fish Arothron diadematus
FM Fouda
Egyptian Journal of Biology , 2005,
Abstract: Anti-tumor activity of tetrodotoxins extracted from the skin of the Masked Puffer fish (Arothron diadematus) from the Red Sea was evaluated using the Ehrlich ascite carcinoma tumor model in mice. Activity was assessed using a variety of cellular and liver biochemical parameters. Experimental mice were divided into 4 equal groups and injected intra-peritoneally with: saline (control); a sub-lethal dose of the toxin (1\10 LD50); 1 ml of a solution containing 2 million ECA cancer cells; and both (1 ml of a solution containing 2 million ECA cancer cells and a sub-lethal dose of toxin). Subsets of mice from each group were dissected after 3, 6, 9, and 12 days. Statistical analyses demonstrated the following: - the anti-tumor activity of the toxin increased lifespan by 46%, in addition to decreasing the number of tumor cells. - There was also an obvious cytotoxic effect of tetrodotoxins on cells, leading to apoptosis and a decrease in the volume of the peritoneal fluid. - The negative effects of tumor cells on the biochemical processes of liver was illustrated by an increased release of MDA & GGT enzymes and fat oxidation, and a decreased release of both enzymes and anti-oxidation agents. These negative effects were relieved for 6 days after injection by toxin.
Street Harassment in Cairo: A Symptom of Disintegrating Social Structures
FM Peoples
African Anthropologist , 2008,
Abstract: This article analyzes the increasing spread of male-to-female harassment on the streets of Cairo. The aim is to first describe, define and contextualize street harassment as a social phenomenon and secondly to suggest some main social factors that provoked the development of the problem in the first place. This analysis takes a particular look at the correlation between street harassment and decades of structural and institutional changes which have had an impact on patriarchy as a defining system for the relationship between men and women. Historically in Egypt, patriarchy was not only fundamental for spatial and gendered organization within the private family sphere, but also for demarcating movement and participation in the public domain. In recent decades, high unemployment rates among men have undermined the conditions for upholding the patriarchal structure. This article argues that street harassment is symptomatic of high unemployment rates and of a consequentially weakening patriarchal system. It identifies the everyday spectacle of male-to-female street harassment as indicative of the frustration and difficulties in adhering to cultural ideals in a time of immense structural transformations. These transformations have impaired Egyptian males’ ability to fulfil their traditional role as economic providers, something which has resulted in their lack of achievement and demasculinization.

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